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毕业典礼庆祝成就, encourage graduates to stay connected


澳门网上博彩官方网站 honored its spring graduates during four commencement ceremonies Friday 和 Saturday, celebrating their journeys at at the institution while encouraging them to build upon their learning 和 connections.

“I know you underst和 that 澳门网上博彩官方网站 is not just a place of learning,西北校长博士. Lance Tatum said during his remarks to graduates 和 their families in Bearcat Arena. “It’s a home, a community that fosters growth, innovation 和 excellence. Our culture – enriched by steadfast faculty 和 staff – has prepared each of you to be ready for what the world has for you.

“When you depart from this campus 和 begin to find your place in this world, I am sure all of you will be called upon to make a difference in your communities. 我强烈要求你积极主动, 接受领导角色, 为他人树立榜样,永不停止寻求智慧.”

西北总裁博士. 兰斯·塔图姆祝贺迪达尔·奥拉兹格尔迪耶夫, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in digital media with a visual imaging emphasis, 在周五下午的毕业典礼上. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://rvn.relativisticdesigns.com'>澳门网上博彩官方网站</a>)

西北总裁博士. 兰斯·塔图姆祝贺迪达尔·奥拉兹格尔迪耶夫, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in digital media with a visual imaging emphasis, 在周五下午的毕业典礼上. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/澳门网上博彩官方网站

A Northwest graduate shows her diploma cover after one of the University's commencement ceremonies on Saturday.

A Northwest graduate shows her diploma cover after one of the University's commencement ceremonies on Saturday.

塔图姆,他是 完成大学的第一年学业, encouraged graduates to stay connected with Northwest 和 spoke to three themes that he said he focuses on in his life – trustworthiness, 超越期望,诚实守信. He encouraged the graduates to be on time 和 do the work that is expected of them, to take control of their reputations 和 know that their behavior shapes their character.

“记住,总有人在看着,”塔图姆说. “要值得信赖,注意小事. If you do this, your rewards will come in the way of others empowering 和 investing in you.”

塔图姆还鼓励毕业生履行自己的承诺, finish the work they start 和 build persistence – traits that showed up in the students 和 guests attending Friday night’s ceremony as well as the event staff managing it. The evening ceremony was halted for nearly an hour when a tornado warning affecting Nodaway County forced the University to evacuate the Bearcat Arena crowd into the facility’s basement. 警报解除后,仪式按计划恢复, 尽管塔图姆缩短了他的讲话.

“当你踏入这个世界时, 记住,你随身携带的不仅仅是一个学位, 但这是一个机会,一个丰富你们国家的机会, to support 和 advance the region 和 to uphold the values that Northwest has instilled in you,塔图姆说.

值得注意的是, many of the students receiving bachelor’s degrees from Northwest this spring completed their high school degrees amid the COVID-19 p和emic in 2020.

“尽管大流行病带来了挑战, 你已经翱翔天际, 向世界展示成为熊猫意味着什么,塔图姆说. “逆境并没有阻止你. Instead, it forged you into a resilient individual, ready to embrace what lies ahead.”

The commencement ceremonies celebrated 1,377 students, ranging in age from 19 to 61. Northwest awarded 720 bachelor’s degrees, 537 master’s degrees 和 116 education specialist degrees.

Elementary education 和 business management were the most common bachelor’s degrees among the graduates, 应用计算机科学是最常见的硕士学位.

在地理上, graduates represented 37 states with two-thirds of them hailing from locations in Missouri; another 22 percent were from the surrounding states of Iowa, 堪萨斯州和内布拉斯加州. Northwest celebrated 224 international graduates from 10 different countries.

Northwest graduates turn their tassels after the conferral of their degrees on Friday.

Northwest graduates turn their tassels after the conferral of their degrees on Friday.


注册人数约10人,000名学生, 澳门网上博彩官方网站是男女同校, primarily residential four-year university that offers a broad range of undergraduate 和 selected graduate programs on its Maryville campus as well as its Northwest-Kansas城市 位置和通 西北在线.

成立于1905年 按U排名.S. News 和 World Report among the top public regional universities in the Midwest, Northwest boasts a high retention rate 和 a graduation rate in the 95th percentile among its peers. 另外, results of the 2021 Ruffalo Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory show Northwest students are more satisfied than students at national peers, 和 80 percent of Northwest students report they would repeat their University experience, compared to 77 percent of students surveyed nationally at their respective institutions.

此外, 97 percent of Northwest bachelor’s degree earners 和 99 percent of master’s degree earners secure employment or continue their education within six months of graduation, 根据 最新数据

Northwest places a high emphasis on profession-based learning to help graduates get a jumpstart on their careers. Students have opportunities to build their résumés with experiences on campus in nearly every area of study, 包括 霍勒斯·曼实验学校国家公共广播电台附属机构KXCV, R.T. 赖特农场Mozingo户外教育休闲区 or Knacktive是一家以学生为导向的整合数字营销传播机构. In conjunction with its emergency 和 disaster management program, Northwest organizes 和 hosts 密苏里州的希望, an annual mass casualty training exercise that attracts first responders 和 emergency workers from throughout the nation 和 provides h和s-on training in preparation for a natural disaster.

The University’s vibrant 和 diverse learning community also offers more than 150 student organizations, 和 包括课本和笔记本电脑 在学费上 是全国最低的,在四年时间里为学生节省了大约6800美元. 澳门网上博彩官方网站提供1,200个学生就业岗位, allowing students to build professional skills through its internationally benchmarked student employment program. 

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Dr. 马克Hornickel

